Formed in April 2000, the Rosslare Community Development Association (RCDA) is a non-profit Community & Sports Centre with charity status (CHY Number 17027) operating a business and servicing the local community and seasonal visitors to Rosslare Strand. Its first goal is to build the capacity of our community to participate in development programmes. Secondly, the RCDA work to encourage a partnership approach supporting the engagement of organisations, local government, state agencies, social partnerships, and other stakeholders. In addition, the RCDA work to promote equality, support, and respect diversity. RCDA provide high quality facilities in a safe, comfortable environment where it works creatively to grow membership, increase revenue, and evoke donations allowing reinvestment into the facilities and programmes to support the needs of the community.
It has the responsibility for promoting, running, and maintaining Rosslare’s community centre and public and historical areas.
The Centre has one large meeting room, large sports hall, toilets, dressing rooms, office, kitchen, boxing room and shop/cafe. round the grounds of the Centre, we have the following facilities: